How to get free bitcoins ?
Well , there are a lot of websites nowadays that are claiming are giving away free bitcoins ,
unfortunately many of them are just scams or ponzi schemes .
Sites that says: join now , do nothing ! and i will pay you bitcoins ! even sites are
claiming that you will be paid in bitcoins just to login !
Of course che earning chain starts from an action , for that action you will be paid
according to the revenue generated from the website trough your action .
If the action required is , as example , watching a website for 20 seconds , well
for sure the company is getting bitcoins from the advertisers , and is very willing
to give you a piece of the pie for your click .
In the particular case of Bitbillions , you can get free bitcoins in many ways ,
watching websites , watching videos , and more , trough the earning
satellite websites inside the bitbillion platform .
In addition , bitbillions will reward you if you recruit some new members
that will upgrade to co-founder in the main website , or premium , in the satellite
earning websites : , , .
Bitbillions reached already a very high alexa ranking , under 20 thousand at the
time of writing this article , so , we can be sure that will be a big player in the
bitcoin world in the coming years.