Bitbillions Launch Day
We need to get this out in the open sooner, rather than later. The management of GBBG has decided NOT to launch on January 1, 2015. We are still working out the details with the Founders Advisory Committee and other vital people.As you all know, December 31st is New Year’s Eve. And, January 1st is New Year’s Day. This happens to be a very important holiday for many people. In the USA, Thanksgiving and Christmas are probably the biggest holidays celebrated. However, around the world, New Year’s Eve/Day are much more celebrated and important to families. Our membership consists mostly of people who do NOT live in the USA. As a matter of fact, a great majority of our membership lives in Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe. This includes a majority of our primary engineers.
Our team has been working nearly around the clock since October 1st getting things ready for launch. By the end of December, most of them will have missed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other major holidays between October and January, depending upon their various religious beliefs and geographic locations. Many of them have begged for a few days of rest and time to enjoy their loved ones, but they have trudged on knowing how important it is that we get this machine going.
When we launch there will be a great deal of stress on our team. We will be moving from our existing site to a brand-new site (and brand-new server architecture). We expect many exceptions, bugs, glitches, and technical support issues. We fully expect the majority of our engineers to work 18 hour+ days the first few days around launch. Therefore, we feel it would be inhumane and down-right distasteful of us to ask them to commit to this in the middle of a major family holiday.
In order to show the respect and appreciation to our team they deserve, we will give them New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day off. They will not be required to work extended hours supporting a brand new site. We will delay the launch until a few days after New Year’s so that our members and our staff may enjoy the holiday with their families, and get some much needed rest.
Over half of our membership is also affected by Orthodox Christmas (January 7, 2015) and a few other major holidays near the first of January. We are considering the implications of these holidays as well. Our senior management, along with the Founders Advisory Committee will discuss all these matters and decide on the most appropriate launch date for the site. We will announce this as soon as possible for the members so everyone will be on the same page. We don’t want anyone to miss out when we throw the switch and start the engines.
There will be many more announcements posted in the GBBG News throughout the rest of December 2014. Be sure to check here often for major updates and information concerning the launch.
We wish everyone an amazing holiday season, happy New Year, and an incredibly profitable and productive 2015. Here’s to the wonderful people working so hard on this project. May they enjoy a little rest and relaxation with their families this holiday season, and may they return energized and ready to support a successful launch!
NOTICE: Co-Founder sales will NOT continue past December 31, 2014. All unsold Co-Founder accounts will be claimed by our CEO and his team of investors on December 31, 2014 as announced.