To get a better appreciation for what we are about to reveal, we think you should review some very important details of the GBBG|bitbillions opportunity. As you should be fully aware, it is 100% free to participate and earn with our program. Members are not required to spend a single penny at all. Every member earns points for various activities.
If you are a free member and you view ad pages on GBBG|bitcoinfaucet, you earn points. And, as a free member you also share in the faucet pool along with every other member. We set aside a portion of the advertising revenue generated from GBBG|bitcoinfaucet each month and distribute it equally among all members who gather points. Every single aspect of GBBG|bitcoinfaucet is open, 100%, to free members, with no cost or obligation whatsoever. There is absolutely no upgrade requirement or payment necessary to earn points or share in the faucet pool. The revenue for the pool comes 100% from advertising sales on GBBG|bitcoinfaucet.
If you are a free member and you watch video ads on GBBG|bitfeud, you earn points. And, as a free member you may also participate in every single flash sale. Each month, we set aside a portion of the advertising revenue generated from GBBG|bitfeud and place it up for grabs in the flash sales. Every single aspect of bitfeud is open, 100%, to free members, with no cost or obligation whatsoever. There is absolutely no upgrade requirement or payment necessary to earn points or participate in the flash sales. The revenue for the flash sales comes 100% from advertising sales on GBBG|bitfeud.
If you are a free member and you view ad pages on GBBG|iwantacar, you earn points. And, as a free member you also have an equal chance to win a brand new car. Each month, we set aside a portion of the advertising revenue generated from GBBG|iwantacar and place it into a fund. When the fund is large enough, we conduct a drawing for a brand new car. Every single aspect of GBBG|iwantacar is open, 100%, to free members, with no cost or obligation whatsoever. There is absolutely no upgrade requirement or payment necessary to earn points or participate in the new car drawings. The revenue for the new car drawings comes 100% from advertising sales on GBBG|iwantacar.
If you are a free member and you view ad pages on GBBG|mybitcoinrewards, you earn points. And, as a free member you also have an equal chance to win free bitcoins. Each month, we set aside a portion of the advertising revenue generated from GBBG|mybitcoinrewards and place it into a fund. Each week, we conduct drawings and give away free bitcoins from this fund. Every single aspect of GBBG|mybitcoinrewards is open, 100%, to free members, with no cost or obligation whatsoever. There is absolutely no upgrade requirement or payment necessary to earn points or participate in free bitcoin drawings. The revenue for the bitcoin drawings comes 100% from advertising sales on GBBG|mybitcoinrewards.
Why are we going through so much trouble to spell all this out? Because we want you to fully understand the fact that participation in every single aspect of GBBG|bitbillions is 100% free. There is no purchase or upgrade necessary to participate in flash sales, to win a car, or to share in our earnings. All you need to do is get points. Points are the key to everything with GBBG|bitbillions.
As you should be fully aware, we are currently in the Co-Founder Stage of our business plan. During this stage, we are laying the foundation for our long-term business. We are researching and developing our software, establishing server infrastructure, and building out the operational and managerial processes of the business. During this stage we are also establishing lifetime partnerships with our members which we anticipate to be immensely profitable and mutually beneficial.
The Matrix Stage is the event everyone is working towards. Why? Because in the Matrix Stage, everyone begins to share a greater portion of revenue.
During the Matrix Stage, GBBG sets aside a portion of the revenue generated from advertising sales on bitcoinfaucet, bitfeud, iwantacar, and mybitcoinrewards and places it into the Matrix Fund. GBBG also sets aside a portion of the revenue generated from Preservation of Wealth and places it into the Matrix Fund. GBBG also sets aside a portion of the revenue generated from GBBG|ware and places it into the Matrix Fund. During the Matrix Stage, a portion of all revenue generated by GBBG is placed into the Matrix Fund each month.
Every month, GBBG will distribute the money in the Matrix Fund to all members who earned points. Each member will get their fair share of the money based on their share of the total points. It is very important to remember, there is absolutely no upgrade requirement or payment necessary to earn these points or share in the revenue. The revenue in the Matrix Fund comes 100% from advertising sales, co-marketing deals, product sales, software services, and other goods and services GBBG sells directly to clients.
What we hope you fully understand now is that members are not required to pay for upgrades, pay for products, pay for services, or pay for anything. It is 100% free to join, earn points, and participate in every aspect of GBBG|bitbillions. Just by getting points, you can share in the revenue we generate from other sources. And that is about to be a MUCH SWEETER DEAL!
Up to this point we have been describing basic aspects of the current GBBG|bitbillions business. We have been defining where the revenue comes from that you are earning. And, we have been making the point loud and clear that it is absolutely FREE to participate and earn. Now, we are going to explain why this is the single greatest time to be excited about your GBBG|bitbillions business ever.
GBBG|ADVERTISINGNETWORK In July, GBBG will launch our very own, stand-alone advertising network. We are developing a unique platform where publishers (people with websites) can embed our ad widgets into their sites and earn bitcoins. In addition, members can earn by referring both publishers and advertisers to our network.
This powerful new source of revenue should produce a massive, growing earning stream from clients entirely independent of our membership.
Web publishers will have a unique publisher site where they sign in and manage their ad widgets. They can embed video ads, text ads, and banner ads into their sites. Our unique system will award them a point every single time they deliver a view (impression). Publishers will get their fair share of the advertising revenue of the entire network based on their share of the overall points. In addition, they will earn GBBG points and can share in the GBBG Matrix if they desire.
Advertisers will have a unique advertiser site where they sign in and manage their advertising campaigns. They can place video ads, text ads, and banner ads into the network. Not only will their ads be distributed throughout our entire network of publisher sites, but they will also be distributed throughout the entire GBBG|bitbillions website. Advertisers should get massive exposure; much higher impression levels for a much lower cost than any other network.
So, how does this incredible platform affect you as a member?
First, it means MORE MATRIX REVENUE. Yes! More money flowing into the Matrix Pools. Second, it means more referral commissions. You will be paid a nice commission every time an advertiser buys an ad in the network, if you referred the advertiser. In addition, the points generated by a publisher will impact your Matrix Bonus, if you referred the publisher. It is truly a winning situation all the way around for our members.
PLANS FOR JULY In July we plan to implement our secondary security system to safeguard your profile email address and payment address. Watch for these security enhancements and be sure to implement them. Once they are live, you will be able to prevent hackers and hijackers from altering your email address and/or payment address. It is our goal to make your GBBG|bitbillions account as safe and secure as possible.
In July we plan to implement our new publisher platform. Our goal is to fully integrate this new platform with our site and to begin attracting quality publishers. Before we can get advertisers pouring into the network we need to establish a roster of publishers. We will need your help with this. So, keep an eye out for this new platform and the marketing materials for it. Remember, your Matrix earnings will be directly impacted by the points earned by publishers you refer.
In July we plan to begin rolling out information about the new Dandi project. Our goal was to begin this roll-out in June. However, due to ongoing legal work we have yet to finalize this roll-out. Dandi is a huge, earth-shattering project. Therefore, we must make sure every single “I” is properly dotted and every “t” is properly crossed before we launch. We can tell you that important breakthroughs are happening. We are certain Dandi will be incorporated and launched from a geographic region outside of the USA. It will be based in a location that is very friendly to virtual currency. In addition, there is a slight possibility that people all over the world will be able to participate in the equity of Dandi.
Depending upon the success of the roll-out of our new publisher platform, we may be able to roll-out the new advertiser platform in July. As you surely must understand, we must first gather a large base of publishers before we can successfully implement the advertiser platform. Our goal is to get the entire stand-alone advertising network rolling as quick and smooth as possible.
SUMMARY It is 100% free to participate in every single aspect of GBBG|bitbillions. All you need to do is join and earn points. The rest is taken care of automatically. If you want to exponentially expand your earnings, you should actively refer other members. When the new advertising network is launched, you can further exponentially expand your earnings by referring publishers and advertisers.
Things are developing every day at GBBG headquarters. We are a growing, profitable business. We are generating increasing revenues through advertising sales, Preservation of Wealth commissions, software development services, and other activities. We are working diligently on the launch of Dandi, which we know will be a global game-changer. In addition, we now have an up and coming global advertising platform that is sure to bring revenue pouring in. How much of it do you plan to get?
- bitadmin
- June 28th, 2014